
Painting Storage Container


Uniteam’s Offshore Painting Storage Container is a specialized unit that provides a safe and secure environment for storing paints in the oil and gas industry. It is specifically designed, manufactured, and certified in accordance with DNV 2.7-1/EN 12079 standards. Furthermore, it comes in various sizes and includes CO2 fire detector areas for added protection. Moreover, the shelves inside the container are fitted with anti-static mats and other Exe electrical equipment, which can be tailored to your specific requirements.

Altogether its robust construction and advanced safety features make it a valuable asset for offshore locations where hazardous conditions are a concern.

General specification:

  • Structural code: DNV 2.7-1 / EN12079 Design code: DNV 2.7-1
  • lnsulation: None
  • Emergency hatch on request
  • Ex electrical system
  • External ladder to climb roof
  • Customized shelves for paint storage
  • CO2 fire suppression system

Electrical system:

  • Ex lighting, switch, sockets and cabling
  • Compliant with ATEX, IECEx standard


  • DNV 2.7-1/EN12079

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